This is where you can get all my thoughts on 3d printing! From my opinions, to reviews, and much more.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Motorola X phone : Why Are We Exited?
This a phone everyone is starting to get exited about, it is the Motorola X phone. Lets go through the specs, wait there are no specs. I think the reason people are getting exited even though there are a lack of specs, is it will be the first Android phone made by Google. You may have heard that Google acquired Motorola a while back, but has been hesitant to do anything with it until now. There are plenty of rumors, so lets begin with those. It is rumored to be released around June, that I find extremely likely because it will probably be unveiled at google I/O the May. It will also be a non-nexus phone, I find that surprising because google could
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Wikipad : Near Perfect Gaming Tablet
The current wikipad |
The Most Useless Android Handheld A.K.A Project Shield
Riptide GP 2 on shield |
So, if your here your have probably heard about project shield. It is a gaming portable made by Nvidia. It is the first device to have the amazing Tegra 4 chip. For more on Tegra for click on the link in purple. So anyway Tegra 4 can handle 4k video, offer console quality graphics, and is amazingly fast. Project shield which was announced at the same time as Tegra 4, and they said it would be the first Tegra 4 device. It is pretty feature packed, it can access steam, play games from your high-end Nvidia gaming pc. It also runs on Android. So, my final thoughts turn to why they made it?
HTC One vs Galaxy s4 : What Should You Buy, Part one
Battle One : Screen
Both of these screens are amazing, Samsung is using its Super AMOLED HD display which from my experience works really well in direct sunlight. Also the colors are very brilliant and have great a more vivid look to it. It has a PPI of 441. HTC is going with a Super LCD screen, this from reports looks much more natural with pictures. It will not end up looking as well i sunlight. It has a slightly higher PPI of 461. The s4 has a 5 inch screen while the HTC One has a 4.7 so you really won't notice the different in size.
The Dark Knight Rises Android Game Review
Let me start by saying this is my favorite Android game of all time. It has rich and amazing graphics, I mean seriously these graphics are amazing, they make everything else look like a N64. I thought Riptide GP had good graphics, but this puts those graphics to shame. These visuals are just so amazing. It is in between ps3 and ps2 quality graphics, probably leaning a little closer to ps3.
Wait For the Nexus 7 2 or Nexus 7 HD, and Here's Why
The new Nexus 7 will likely have many new features that the Nexus 7 is lacking. Like it might have a micro HDMI port. That was many people's bigge
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Nexus 5 "leak": Amazing or Untrue
Supposedly the new phone |
Note 3 to be 6.3 inches?
A possible prototype of the note 3 |
Samsungs Gamepad |
Headflat : The Most Ridiculous Android Accessorie.
I was doing my normal look over kickstarter, and I saw this. My first impression was are you serious, I'm supposed to wear this stupid thing on my head. I would be extraordinarily embarrassed to wear this thing in public. See that thing with the Y on the end, yeah you put your phone in that and put that on your head. Then I though, that what if I was on a long flight, because that would kind of work for that. Looking down at the little table for that long would kind of hurt your neck. Then you come to the problem of caring this around, it does not compact and it is about 2 feet long. So if you have limited space in your carry-on, you can't use it on a plane. So are you going to ride a bus with this on your head, no you would look stupid.
Exynos Octa VS Snapdragon 800 VS Tegra 4 GPU's
The batte of the soc's, there are three prominent players right now, exynos octa, the Snapdragon 800, and Tegra 4. Let the battle begin!
LG Optimus G: One of the Best Android's
LG Optimus G: One of the Best Android's
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Samsung Galaxy s4 : Best Software, Few Things New in Hardware
The Galaxy s4 possibly the most hyped phone ever, besides the predictable iphone. Does it support all the hype? Ok, lets begin, the galaxy s4 has some pretty awesome software features, like smart scrolling, ( this as you move you eyes down the screen, it scrolls text for you) air view( basically you hover your finger barely off the screen it offers the menus of what is there) smart pause(if you play a video and you look away it pauses it) All of these combine to create an amazing software experience, and all these are on top of the amazing galaxy s3's features.
Moga Review : The Best Controller, But Not Good Enough
The picture here is of the Moga controller for Android. It is actually pretty a pretty nice little unit. Folded up it is smaller than a Samsung Galaxy s3, so it fits in your pocket pretty nicely. It uses bluetooth and connects to every Android phone over Android 2.3 which represents nearly 80% of all Android devices. The unit feels pretty solid my hands rarely feel cramped and I have fairly large hands, however my middle finger was having trouble finding a really comfortable place. My favorite part is that your phone clips into the controller and it feels pretty balanced.
Ouya : Out-dated before released
This is my first article on High End Android. So the picture here is of an upcoming console called Ouya. It is an Android based console that is set to come out to early backers in April (the backers were from Kickstarter) The new console was funded back in August of 2012, back then I was actually pretty exited about it. My thoughts of it have changed however, for one reason only it is outdated. It runs on the Tegra 3 soc, that was ok in mid 2012. Today however, we expect more from a phone let alone a game console. My phone has a snapdragon s4 pro and it is nearly twice as fast, and a much better GPU. The Tegra 4 is also just around the corner and will blow everything out of the water.
Hi, this is High End Android. I'll be giving you your daily dose of exiting Android news. I'll have your news on phones, games, and all things Android.
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